Team Picks: Winter Wall Coverings


By this time of year, we are used to seeing a lot more frost than 2020 has given us. Don’t worry fellow mid-westerners, it will happen sooner than you think!

Every year in Chicago, we watch the lake evolve with the seasons and it does something quite impressive in the winter. It freezes over and forms these jagged puzzles of art. Each one, inspires an interesting pattern of geometric and organic lines. Take a look at the collection of wall coverings we have curated below that remind us of this unique natural process.

Sources Top Left to Bottom Right

  1. Carnegie Textiles - Mojave

  2. Carnegie - Kaleidoscope

  3. Phillip Jeffries - Sea Spray

  4. Holly Hunt - Dream Weaver

  5. Phillip Jeffries - Fade

  6. Phillip Jeffries - Brushstroke

  7. Wolf Gordon - Luana

  8. Maya Romanoff - Blue Agate


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