Nick Bowers Nick Bowers

Lighting Installations

Light is Time | @DTG Architects

Humans, like other living organisms, are attracted to light. In plants, this phenomenon causes them to grow towards their light source, reaching and straining to reach the sun. Moths and other insects also seek light, flying as close at they can to lightbulbs.

Like these other living creatures, humans are attracted to light and seek it out, moving towards the source and following along until they find it. This is one of the reasons lighting is so useful in wayfinding, attracting attention and guiding people where they need to go. But light has the ability to do more than just guide people - it can inspire them as well!

Light art installations immediately draw the eye, pulling you in and making you want to see more. They take the universal attraction to light and combine it with an artistic eye, creating experiences of beauty, intrigue, and joy. Today we’re looking at some of the lighting installations that inspire us most - see below for a few of our favorites!

Atmosphere | @Pneuhaus

Space Frames at Coal Drops Yard | @Mieke Meijer

Field of Light | @Bruce Munro

Fulgida | @Massimo Uberti

Instance & Star Ceiling | @Leo Villareal

What lighting installations inspire you?

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Nick Bowers Nick Bowers

What is Bespoke?

Bespoke Interior Design – a topic that can fill entire books, and the approach behind every blocHaus project. But it can also be an elusive concept and something that’s difficult to fully define. There are always a few questions that go with the idea of bespoke design:  What is bespoke?  What does it mean for a space to be bespoke?  And what does it take to create bespoke spaces?

On the surface, bespoke is typically used as a synonym for customized. Customization may be part of the process, but there’s more to creating bespoke spaces than just adapting existing items or ideas for the task at hand.

So what does it mean for design to be bespoke rather than simply custom?

Fully-custom wall lights at Apogee, a bar and lounge in Chicago | design by blocHaus

blocHaus-designed ceiling-mounted light fixtures above the lounge seating at Apogee | design by blocHaus

Bespoke interior design is tailor-made and individual to each client - no two projects are alike! This starts with a strong story or concept focused on the identity of the client and their brand. From there, unique ideas and concept-specific details are used to create individualized design solutions.

Unique oyster-inspired gilded artwork was used as a focal point at Dixie & 1952 1/2 Liquorette | design by blocHaus

Individually-curated art groupings created a unique experience for each seating alcove at Dixie & 1952 1/2 Liquorette | design by blocHaus

Lighting solutions were tailored to each specific area at Dixie & 1952 1/2 Liquorette | design by blocHaus

This is the approach we take for every project at blocHaus – we tailor each project to our client, creating designs specific to their individual needs and brand vision.  This is done throughout the design process, starting from the initial concept and planning. We then carry these personalized design solutions into to fully-custom fixtures, furnishings, and details.

We love knowing that our projects are as unique as our clients and their brands - having the opportunity to create bespoke interior design inspires us, and it allows us to push our creative boundaries on every project!

Inspired by sea life, fully-custom wall art pieces enhance the nautical concept at Portsmith in Chicago | design by blocHaus

Telling the story of the sea, the unique shape of Portsmith’s bar was designed as an abstract interpretation of a whale | design by blocHaus

How does bespoke design inspire you?

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Nick Bowers Nick Bowers

What Metal is Right for You?

Brass may seem like an obvious trend since we are seeing it everywhere; hotels, restaurants, homes, retail… but brass isn’t a new thing. Just because it is “in” now, doesn’t mean that it’s going out. Brass is the new normal in metal finishes. It used to be hard to find modern hardware and finishes in a timeless brass finish, but now its a standard you can find in plumbing fixtures, cabinetry hardware, door hardware, millwork, etc.

To guide you towards the finish thats best for your project, please see our breakdown below!

@apogeelounge design by blocHaus

@apogeelounge design by blocHaus


Pros: Adds warmth, feels classy and sophisticated. Comes in several finishes. Easily mixed with other materials. Looks like gold, but its less costly. Strong and resistant to corrosion. Very malleable - ideal for casting

Cons: Can patina with age.

Design by Crosby Studios

Design by Crosby Studios


Pros: Adds warmth, and element of playfulness. Strong and resistant to heat. Malleable.

Cons: Will patina with age and can be perceptible to corrosion. Challenging to mix with other materials.

Design by Shea McGee Designs

Design by Shea McGee Designs


Pros: Comes in a polished and satin finish. Adds a transitional aesthetic. Warmer than polished chrome. Classic, doesn’t go out of style.

Cons: More expensive than chrome and stainless steel. Requires periodic maintenance.

@sparrowcoffee design by blocHaus

@sparrowcoffee design by blocHaus


Pros: Contemporary, matches everything. Adds contrast to millwork and doors.

Cons: Can be cold, dark. Depending on the material, the finish can be scratched off if not used correctly.

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Nick Bowers Nick Bowers

LAB | Custom Lighting

It all begins with an idea.


At blochaus LAB, we are dedicated to the research, collaboration, and
innovation within our industry. We wanted to give you an insider look at what goes behind some of the pieces we design! Take a look at the process of designing this light fixture for Half Nelson.

drawing set plot.JPG
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